[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

Isn't it strange... that's the exact platform democrats depend on

[–] Kannibal [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

(cough) Southern strategy (cough)

[–] ScorpioGlitch 2 points (+2|-0)

Last I heard, Madison Square Garden is not in the south:



Every racist law, without exception, was passed by democratic leaders. This includes the Jim Crow Laws. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Crow_laws

Enacted by white Democratic-dominated state legislatures in the late 19th century after the Reconstruction period, these laws continued to be enforced until 1965

And while that was indeed in the southern states, the current political climate of the south is currently overwhelmingly republican.

Let's not forget the the communist scare in the 50s (which led to "In God We Trust" on the US currency) included radical leftism.


Furthermore, the NRA set up a charter in one specific city to encourage the practice of 2nd Amendment rights by black citizens in order to protect themselves from the KKK


Although that was in 1958 and 1960, it was during the aforementioned communist/radical leftism scare. Noting, of course, that North Carolina voted blue 1960: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_North_Carolina

It's the current educational and societal trend to conflate and displace the history of the democratic party in the south with the current climate today.

[–] Kannibal [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

You presume that the old democrats are the same as the modern democrats, therefore The democrats are to blame for all the sins and republicans are saints. It is not so simple as that.

This is historically ignorant.

The southern democrats who favored segregation famously abandoned the Democratic Party enmass and became Republicans over the issue of Civil Rights,

Civil rights were championed by democratic politicians President Jack Kennedy and President Lyndon Johnson. (inconvenient that)


One famous example is


This is how the old Democratic south became Republican.

There used to be progressive and conservative wings in both parties, they realigned so that the Republican is mostly conservative, and the Democratic party became mostly liberal.

Some of this was a deliberate strategy


see also


All those folks (and their descendants) you blame for the evils you decry eventually became Republicans in modern times.