

[–] Chaoticneutral 3 points (+3|-0)

Who cares if people want sex bots? If it works for them, go for it.

On a side note, that article was rambling and all over the place. Sounded more like a blog post than a journalist.

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

LMAO, threaten to outlaw dildos b/c it "objectifies men" and you'll have women and the lgbt community marching in the streets with them on their heads like unicorn horns.

[–] Dudicles 0 points (+0|-0)

you'll have women and the lgbt community marching in the streets with them on their heads like unicorn horns.

I'm pretty sure some of them already do that.

[–] X175B247 2 points (+2|-0)

It's not because they're lonely. It's not because they can't get laid. It's the misogyny, stupid.

We are all entitled to healthy, safe, consensual sexual expression.

If the lowest 80% of men are competing for the lowest 20% of women let them have some fuckbots. They've been denied by women their whole lives and many have stopped even going after them.

Why on earth is it anybody's business to prevent others from buying uncannyvalley robo fuckslaves?

Plenty of rapists and sexual abusers have wives and girlfriends. Violence that is based on animosity toward women is not about desire or loneliness. It's about power and control. Access to a body -

So let them get a sexbot, retard

[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0)

If the lowest 80% of men are competing for the lowest 20% of women let them have some fuckbots.

Emphasis on the "if." I'm convinced that this 80/20 business is some bullshit. Most of all because it assumes that 80% of men agree on who the "lowest" 20% of women are, which is supremely unlikely.

Still, let them have bots.

[–] X175B247 1 points (+1|-0)

Emphasis on the "if." I'm convinced that this 80/20 business is some bullshit. Most of all because it assumes that 80% of men agree on who the "lowest" 20% of women are, which is supremely unlikely.

This is very true. I myself have very different tastes from all the people I hang out and we all don't agree on who looks good.

Myself, I'm in a happy relationship, but I am parroting the opinions an 'incel' friend of mine has espoused. He just doesn't pursue women anymore b/c there's no point for him.

[–] Sarcastaway 0 points (+0|-0)

He just doesn't pursue women anymore b/c there's no point for him.

That's sad to hear. I totally get the discouragement though. Society is completely corrupting both sexes, making functional relationships rarer and rarer. Women are acting more entitled and moody, and men are losing their masculinity in exchange for petulance.

If you want to try helping you friend, you should try dragging him to the gym or something. Don't make it about attracting women, just self betterment. A healthier body means a heather mind, and attitude has a huge influence on our experiences.

If that doesn't work, send him a sexbot brochure ;)

[–] Justintoxicated 1 points (+1|-0)

Let's flip this on it's head, there's another group, those having involuntary sex, as a commodity, that also stand to benefit from adopt of sex robots.

Now for scope and comparison according to the UN, 4.8 Million people were trafficked for sex in 2017 with women and girls making up 71% of all humans trafficked. https://www.humanrightsfirst.org/resource/human-trafficking-numbers

How many "Incels" are there? How many of them are using the title out of novelty and how many out of ideology? Also does disagreeing with "incel" ideology sufficiently support denying the world a tool that would potentially vastly reduce the number of sex trafficked humans?