A vote of "No confidence" needs to be a choice on every ballot.
We might end up like Belgium [no functional government for a decade or better]. I would prefer that to sitting in a room with Maxine Waters unless she was fully restrained and properly medicated.
Obama vs Romney...I wrote in Margret Thatcher.
A vote of "No confidence" needs to be a choice on every ballot.
We might end up like Belgium [no functional government for a decade or better]. I would prefer that to sitting in a room with Maxine Waters unless she was fully restrained and properly medicated.
Obama vs Romney...I wrote in Margret Thatcher.
A vote of "No confidence" needs to be a choice on every ballot.
We might end up like Belgium [no functional government for a decade or better]. I would prefer that to sitting in a room with Maxine Waters unless she was fully restrained and properly medicated.