1. So I've created https://phuks.mydomain.com and after working around with it, I run the npm run build && killall -HUP gunicorn and everything is built OK. However, the site still points to a sample index.html that I initially created when creating the subdomain. Even after deleting the index.html file, it still points to that file. What do I need to do here? I've tried redis-cli FLUSHALL but that also doesn't work. Are there any cache files that I need to delete? Where?

  2. OR do I need to make any changes to files like config.py? Besides this, are there any other files I need to look at? Here's how my config.py file looks like.

""" This is the config file. Pretty obvious, right? """

import os

\#Site title

LEMA = "*MySite*: Share and discuss"

\#Copyright notice, used in the footer

COPY = "2019 *MySite*. All Rights Reserved."


DB_HOST = 'localhost'

DB_USER = 'root'

DB_PASSWD = 'somepassword'

DB_NAME = 'throat2'


DATABASE_URL = 'mysql://{0}:{1}@localhost/{2}'.format(DB_USER, DB_PASSWD, DB_NAME)

\#Method used to memoize stuff.

CACHE_TYPE = 'simple'

\#Only used if CACHE_TYPE is 'redis'.




\#The Redis that we use for SocketIO. This must be the same for all instances


\#Secret key used to encrypt session cookies. CHANGE THIS

SECRET_KEY = '\x80\x9b\x0ce\xe2\xb8\x04\xb9\x99\xa3\x13\xf7+K\xf6\xdf"\xbf\xfb\x82\x96\xc9\xda\x8e'

\#wtforms settings. Set to False to disable CSRF



\#Sengrid API key, only used to send password recovery emails


SENDGRID_DEFAULT_FROM = "[email protected]"

\#Recaptcha credentials



\#This is the path thumbnails will be stored on

THUMBNAILS = "./thumbs"

\#This is the domain where the thumbnails are hosted on. Can be an absolute path too.

THUMBNAIL_HOST = "https://dev.*MySite*.co/t/"

\#THUMBNAIL_HOST = "/static/thumbnails"

\#Same as above but for file storage (Used for user and sub file uploads)

STORAGE = "./stor"

STORAGE_HOST = "https://dev.*MySite*.co/i/"

\#SID of changelog sub (used to display last changelog entry on the sidebar)

CHANGELOG_SUB = '9a79b49e-7bd3-4535-8ad6-ba11fc1d0ef5'

\#Only for debugging and testing:

DEBUG = False

TESTING = False \#This makes all the captchas valid

\#Address of the socketio server. If it's left empty socketio will attempt to connect

\#to /socket.io.


\#Max content-length accepted by the server

MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = (1024 * 1024) * 10 \#10MB limit

\#Prefix for subs. Must always start with /.


1. So I've created https://phuks.mydomain.com and after working around with it, I run the `npm run build && killall -HUP gunicorn` and [everything is built OK](https://i.imgur.com/mHPBi7R.png). However, the site still points to a sample index.html that I initially created when creating the subdomain. Even after deleting the index.html file, it still points to that file. What do I need to do here? I've tried `redis-cli FLUSHALL` but that also doesn't work. Are there any cache files that I need to delete? Where? 2. OR do I need to make any changes to files like config.py? Besides this, are there any other files I need to look at? Here's how my config.py file looks like. === `""" This is the config file. Pretty obvious, right? """` `import os` `\#Site title` `LEMA = "*MySite*: Share and discuss"` `\#Copyright notice, used in the footer` `COPY = "2019 *MySite*. All Rights Reserved."` `\#XXX: LEGACY - FIX EVERYTHING AND REMOVE THIS BLOCK` `DB_HOST = 'localhost'` `DB_USER = 'root'` `DB_PASSWD = 'somepassword'` `DB_NAME = 'throat2'` `\#peewee` `DATABASE_URL = 'mysql://{0}:{1}@localhost/{2}'.format(DB_USER, DB_PASSWD, DB_NAME)` `\#Method used to memoize stuff.` `CACHE_TYPE = 'simple'` `\#Only used if CACHE_TYPE is 'redis'.` `CACHE_REDIS_HOST = ''` `CACHE_REDIS_PORT = 6379` `CACHE_REDIS_DB = 5` `\#The Redis that we use for SocketIO. This must be the same for all instances` `SOCKETIO_REDIS_URL = 'redis://'` `\#Secret key used to encrypt session cookies. CHANGE THIS` `SECRET_KEY = '\x80\x9b\x0ce\xe2\xb8\x04\xb9\x99\xa3\x13\xf7+K\xf6\xdf"\xbf\xfb\x82\x96\xc9\xda\x8e'` `\#wtforms settings. Set to False to disable CSRF` `WTF_CSRF_ENABLED = True` `WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY = SECRET_KEY` `\#Sengrid API key, only used to send password recovery emails` `SENDGRID_API_KEY = ""` `SENDGRID_DEFAULT_FROM = "[email protected]"` `\#Recaptcha credentials` `RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = "6Lf4xHIUAAAAAFCqMveyHfpE5tccaWrDjv9tKIQc"` `RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = "6Lf4xHIUAAAAACqZYmEGxIdhlPg_OCVkCTK52LkM"` `\#This is the path thumbnails will be stored on` `THUMBNAILS = "./thumbs"` `\#This is the domain where the thumbnails are hosted on. Can be an absolute path too.` `THUMBNAIL_HOST = "https://dev.*MySite*.co/t/"` `\#THUMBNAIL_HOST = "/static/thumbnails"` `\#Same as above but for file storage (Used for user and sub file uploads)` `STORAGE = "./stor"` `STORAGE_HOST = "https://dev.*MySite*.co/i/"` `\#SID of changelog sub (used to display last changelog entry on the sidebar)` `CHANGELOG_SUB = '9a79b49e-7bd3-4535-8ad6-ba11fc1d0ef5'` `\#Only for debugging and testing:` `DEBUG = False` `TESTING = False \#This makes all the captchas valid` `\#Address of the socketio server. If it's left empty socketio will attempt to connect` `\#to /socket.io.` `WEBSOCKET_SERVER = ''` `\#Max content-length accepted by the server` `MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = (1024 * 1024) * 10 \#10MB limit` `\#Prefix for subs. Must always start with /.` `SUB_PREFIX = "/s"`


[–] E-werd 1 points (+1|-0)

It sounds to me like a configuration issue with nginx. You shouldn't be serving an index.html from the webserver, it just acts as a proxy to gunicorn which runs the app. There is an index.html in throat, but it can't be served directly.

You already have the main site running, I assume you're doing a test/dev site. Copy the relevant bits and change for the subdomain, it should work the same.

[–] curious [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Thank you so much for replying. Yes, I had created it to test and before migrating the changes to the main site.

You shouldn't be serving an index.html from the webserver

I deleted the index.html file and re-ran gunicorn without any errors. But it again points to the 'deleted' index.html site when I go to https://dev.mysite.co. What should I do now?

Copy the relevant bits and change for the subdomain, it should work the same.

I've copied all the throat files (of my main site) to this new folder for the subdomain. Absolute path being /var/www/dev.mysite.co/public_html, ran gunicorn with no errors but I'm back to square one when I open https://dev.mysite.co

[–] E-werd 1 points (+1|-0)

I've copied all the throat files (of my main site) to this new folder for the subdomain.

I'm talking about the nginx configuration, presumably a file in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled assuming you're using Ubuntu or Debian.

It should look something like this:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name dev.mysite.co;

    location / {
        include proxy_params;
        proxy_pass unix:/home/app/app.sock;
[–] curious [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Thanks again.

Yes. I'm on Ubuntu. Here's how my /etc/nginx/sites-enabled folder looks like. It has only one file that has the same name as my root/main site and not file for dev.mysite

So, a very baby step question. Should I create a new file called dev.mysite and paste the code that you have shared? Or copy the existing mysite file and make the necessary replacements?