So come in here, pop in a comment and compare the comment count before you submit and after.

Edit: works properly for the first comment of the post, not for any others.

Edit Edit: Also does not increment to the proper number in this scenario: Make post, add comment (works properly), see full comments, add second comment (fails), edit post text (still shows previous number)

Edit edit edit: Don't you hate users who find niche bugs?

So come in here, pop in a comment and compare the comment count before you submit and after. Edit: works properly for the first comment of the post, not for any others. Edit Edit: Also does not increment to the proper number in this scenario: Make post, add comment (works properly), see full comments, add second comment (fails), edit post text (still shows previous number) Edit edit edit: Don't you hate users who find niche bugs?


[–] pembo210 1 points (+1|-0)


Flaired as fixed. That was fast...

[–] pembo210 1 points (+1|-0)

Badge awarded. I probably owe you a few more.

More speed upgrades and a couple new features are coming. We'll make a full report soon.