[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

Throughout my state we had 10-25% increases in sales prices from a year earlier, depending on location. Even trailer parks saw a good 15% rise in price.

It's been absolute hell buying almost anything related to home improvement. I took home a bunch of wood stain samples and went back 2 days later and had to go with my 6th choice because the rest were sold out. Lumber is 3-4x what it was a year ago. I lucky bought a new range and otr microwave I wanted - they would not get anymore until at least July. New carpet installation took 6 weeks, not because they didn't have it in stock - they were booked solid for installations. Plumbers took over 5 weeks to get out.

I think only some of this is just 'we are stuck at home from covid so improve house'. I feel some of it is 'spend the dollars we have while they are still worth something'.

I think only some of this is just 'we are stuck at home from covid so improve house'. I feel some of it is 'spend the dollars we have while they are still worth something'.

A lot of it is that a bunch of middle classers have heaps of money leftover from not being able to travel as well. Instead of them spending $10-15k for trips, now they can put that money towards a new home. All this money printing helps too

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

That is a good point. I have money with nothing to spend it on, investments are largely fucked, so i'm spending what I can now to fix everything.