[–] Sarcastaway 2 points (+2|-0)

I still smell something fishy about that whole thing.

A highly decorated Army Sargent with combat experience, known to be very intelligent, washes out of special forces training on day two, leaves the army (but disappears from family life), conducts self described "propaganda operations," then goes to a farm to receive explosives training from some random guys?

That's like the most cliche back story for being recruited by the CIA ever. Even if that's reaching a bit, I refuse to believe that the feds didn't know about him. He was very outspoken about his beliefs, shared his plans with the guy who taught him explosives, and had the means, and motive.

[–] Owlchemy [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

The craziest thing that has always made me suspicious about that whole deal was how quickly they executed him. Even folks who refuse to defend themselves against the death penalty are never executed that fast. I'm not a conspiracy guy ... but that aspect always made me wonder.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

He a gud boy. Getting hiz llfe 2getha. Go to church erry Sunday. Need money 4 dem programs