[–] E-werd 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

I know some words, and ran others through translator...

Title: Culture of Capitalism

Top of movie reel: Hollywood

Top right pocket: Fascist Propaganda

Bottom right pocket: Melted Art (?) Art looting and destruction is well documented in WW2, so I assume that's what it's referencing.

Bottom left pocket: Sale Stamp (?) It's literally "selling seal" or "selling stamp", but receipt is a different word. It might be like a sales order.

Notes, clockwise from the dark blue: Aggression! War! Repression! Racism! Terror! I can't make out the little light blue note... lazho? Lazy?

Pane 1: Podium says College, label says Fascization of Education

Pane 2: label says Tabloid Literature

Pane 3: Cannibalistic Science

Footer: American civilization is the ugliest civilization on our planet... quoting Maxim Gorky