I'm heavily invested in free speech, crypto, and the right for people to defend themselves. Specifically the proliferation of force multipliers.

I guess you could catagorize me as a minarchist or Ancap.

I've got some friends here from Voat but am willing to try phuking with some phoxes. Thanks for having a place for refugees.

I'm heavily invested in free speech, crypto, and the right for people to defend themselves. Specifically the proliferation of force multipliers. I guess you could catagorize me as a minarchist or Ancap. I've got some friends here from Voat but am willing to try phuking with some phoxes. Thanks for having a place for refugees.


[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

What sort of planes do you design? Commercial planes or recreational?

[–] X175B247 [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

Recreational mostly, little kit planes. I've also been dabbling in designs for military but haven't finished any quite yet. Very busy.