We mean to implement these soon.

Idk what reddit uses so cant give reference.

Voat uses these for subs: 3 per hour max, 10 per 24 hours max idk the global

To prevent spam and abuse we need to implement a limit, but at wich settings is still open for debate.


We mean to implement these soon. Idk what reddit uses so cant give reference. Voat uses these for subs: 3 per hour max, 10 per 24 hours max idk the global To prevent spam and abuse we need to implement a limit, but at wich settings is still open for debate. Thoughts?


[–] ashekchum 1 points (+1|-0)

Well those seem quite low. I've posted 4 posts to one sub in less than a hour v/cyoa, for example. And average top posters over 24 hours according to voat search is usually about 50ish. There may be a ccp or scp modifier on voat, here could be something similar, to prevent spam.

[–] Boukert 2 points (+2|-0)

Well those seem quite low. I've posted 4 posts to one sub in less than a hour v/cyoa, for example.

These limits do not count for moderators of the sub.

And average top posters over 24 hours according to voat search is usually about 50ish.

https://voat.co/v/VoatStatistics/1505857 average top 10 posters are between 25 - 50 most days (dismissing bots).

Most of these either post a lot in subs they moderate themselves or diversify over a larger amount of subs. (which is also good to have different content influx) I used to post to 5-12 subs daily and make top 10.

The two times I ran into the limits being really annoying:

  • Bataclan attack in paris, where info kept coming in so i had to wait before i could post.

  • 3 for 1 night at cheers, where i ran into the limits quickly (I wasnt a mod then)

[–] ashekchum 1 points (+1|-0)

Well that's good to know about the mod thing, I've run in to it at report spammers before though I thought it was more sub specific restrictions.

So it's a 10 per sub per day max? That doesn't seem too bad. With obviously exceptions for mods

So a ccp or scp based model pass x phuks and you can post x times may work better as boots and spam would really need to contribute to post a, bunch while allowing other users the ability to post more.

Yeah I've seen you high on the list a few times, think you even made #1 once if I remember.

[–] THC 1 points (+1|-0)

Phuks will be attacked by bots, and there will be a need to limit it. Voat has basically crowd tested the limits for you. I would just stick with those at first, and if there is a need to increase from the community, take it from there.

[–] ashekchum 1 points (+1|-0)

So for now probably the best way to go is post rate based on phuks taken.

This prevents low phuk bots from spamming early on. Maybe once you pass a certain threshold, maybe a thousand, really easy here I made it past 2k yesterday remove the restriction. That way it doesn't punish long term users as much. While still working to limit spam.

[–] Polsaker 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

A less annoying way would be putting captchas

(but oh god, I hate captchas)

[–] Boukert 0 points (+0|-0)

amen to that. That would be extremely annoying when posting