I fear I see the fragmentation of the site. I saw how much it hurt Voat. Having five subfoxes for one topic means that neither of them will get enough activity and discussion. I suppose many people create one sub of their own and contribute only to it, and it hurts making of the community. Furthermore, when person who created five or ten subs quits the site, we have five or ten modless, orphaned subs on the site.

For example, we have so many music subfoxes. Why do we need /s/listentothis when we have /s/music as default? Was it just somebody wanting to be a mod? Did they already decide that /s/music is too mainstream with three or four posts a day?

We should limit the creation of the subs. I think that if user could create one sub per 10 levels, it would insure higher quality and dedication.

I fear I see the fragmentation of the site. I saw how much it hurt Voat. Having five subfoxes for one topic means that neither of them will get enough activity and discussion. I suppose many people create one sub of their own and contribute only to it, and it hurts making of the community. Furthermore, when person who created five or ten subs quits the site, we have five or ten modless, orphaned subs on the site. For example, we have so many music subfoxes. Why do we need /s/listentothis when we have /s/music as default? Was it just somebody wanting to be a mod? Did they already decide that /s/music is too mainstream with three or four posts a day? We should limit the creation of the subs. I think that if user could create one sub per 10 levels, it would insure higher quality and dedication.


[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

/s/hypnopuss is totes malotes necessary and distinct from /s/cats

Besides, you created it before I made /s/cats.
If anyone's an impostor, it's me.

But since not all cats are hypnotic (just most), there is a need for both our subs.
Also, cats make up about 60% of the internet. So one sub is just not enough.

[–] PMYA 2 points (+2|-0)

/s/ListenToThis is designed for more obscure music. On Reddit, music posts have limitations on them to make sure popular music is not submitted. I haven't put any restrictions on the sidebar yet because I'm undecided on what to post.

One sub every ten levels means we will have no subs. 100k phuks will only get you to level 31.

I don't think it's an issue at the moment because I look at every post on all/new anyway.

[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0)

When it comes to the music subs, it helps to categorize them. Especially with our music sidebar here. If I don't like much beyond metal, I'm not going to enjoy /s/Music very much and won't go there or post there... but I will to /s/metal. Splitting genres is hugely important when it comes to music as each sub is basically a playlist.

Then you have stuff like /s/cats and /s/hypnopuss like @Fluf is talking about. If you post hypnopuss content to cats, it's going to be a shit show in cats before long. When content B doesn't fit into sub A, you shouldn't just not post content--you should create sub B. Unless you want to post everything to /s/whatever and say fuck it, then you have 4chan.

[–] ashekchum 1 points (+1|-0)

Well there was a limitation to lvl 5+ could create new subs, but that was decreased to lvl 2 now, as far as I know the only level restriction in place. I agree with your reasoning on restricting the subs and support the creation of overarching general multisubs for topics like, s/music s/scifi and now s/food. Restricting it per every 10 levels dose seem a bit harsh though maybe a sub a level or two levels but every 10 would be pretty hostile to new users.