[–] TheRedArmy 1 points (+1|-0)

That's a neat image. It reminds me a bit of a wizard I played back in D&D 3.5, particularly because of the raven familiar; ravens were always my favorite familiar to pick, because although it didn't give the best bonus (+3 to the appraise skill is inferior to something like a bonus to certain saving throws that a toad gives, for instance), the raven had the unique ability to speak one language you know. Also it can fly, and is intelligent, so you can occasionally do some nifty scouting with it.

My wizard (who I named Aliza Cornet, after a French tennis player named Alize Cornet), wouldn't have the leg armor this girl seems to have (gets silver at the bottom of the legs in a way unlike the the rest of the outfit), but I imagine otherwise looked quite a bit like this, including the dark black hair.

The leg armor is just polished leather in the moonlight coupled with artist preffering simple stroke style. :-)

If yo-u have not played Witcher games, it is Yennefer of Vengerberg screenshot, one of the main characters of Witcher 3. The game is probably the most accomplished storytelling RPG and I claim that almost everyone will love it.

If you like D&D, you would for sure love Witcher 3. It is on sale on steam right now. I would recommend the GOTY as the DLCs are so great they could be a standalone games on their own.

[–] TheRedArmy 1 points (+1|-0)

I have been interested in Witcher 3 for some time, and heard nothing but rave reviews. I will definitely check it out on Steam when I get home. Thanks for the tip.