The only official Nintendo controller I had a beef with was the N64 and their sticks which would end up very loose after lots of use. All the rest I've still got in working condition.
This may interest you. I've actually heard people say they prefer looser sticks.
I've actually just given up and now use an emulator for anything n64 and under. Between the Xbox One controller and the Mayflay Gamecube adapter all the bases are covered. Also since I got rid of my CRT tv the games looked like shit on my digital tv without the emulators upscaling it.
I'm going to boomark that though because I'm looking for a HD ready CRT again because the games looked awesome on that. I had a beautiful 40inch 720p/1080i screen with 100hz motion that I payed a fortune for in 2003 but it packed it in a few years ago.
I have one of their controllers. It's good, but I would not buy a kit like this from them, I would mod the original NES/SNES hardware instead, because it is higher quality. It is still far better than other third party controllers though.