[–] PMYA 3 points (+3|-0)

See for yourself here below. On the left is an image of the Queen as she is portrayed in modern Korean made media, the left is the version the Western game developer came up with.


I noticed that also. I think it's safe to say that the video game image is on the right.
It doesn't really look Korean, but it's a video game, so whatever.
Shoehorning some evil cunt into the game for diversity™ is bullshit, though. I can't understand how they thought that would make women look good, or not upset anyone.

[–] TheRedArmy [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Firaxis (the publisher) should know better - because even in Civ 5, they had several female leaders who were actually good leaders, and meaningful important individuals in history. Elizabeth of England, Maria Theresa of Austria, Isabella of Spain; you can even make a case for Theodora of the Eastern Roman Empire (though as wife to the Basilius Justinian, she was probably less important than him, but whatever, you don't just want to use the same leaders every time, so mixing it up is fine).

Likewise for Wu Zetian; although she was only the de facto leader of China during her time as regent (a woman could never hold the title of Emperor, being China back in the day), she did manage to get shit done, even if her efforts left a trail of bodies that was large, even for the typically violent Chinese politics. They've had Cleopatra in 4, and Catherine the Great, so it's not like the notable impressive female leaders don't exist in history; but this particular case feels very shoe-horned in because she was notably poor as a leader.

And again, it's a game, so maybe you don't want to do Sejong again (he was the Korean leader in Civ 5), OK, that's fine. But at least pick someone reasonable. People like Catherine De Medici for France stick out as particularly poor choices when you have a wealth of at least reasonable options available to you. You could even go Charles II of Spain for the lulz if you wanted. :p

Also, one tweet from a Korean person about the model of Seon Deok in the game -

Some of the best comments are actually in Korean of course. With this one asking in reference to the odd character design choice “Is this Queen from Africa?”

That shit actually made me laugh. :p

[–] InnocentBystander 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Firaxis (the publisher) should know better

You're talking about the people who thought using right-click as move and cancel, in xcom2, was a reasonable thing to do.
The same morons that thought the best way to speed up the game was to simply add timers.

These are not rocket surgeons we're dealing with.

[–] KFCNyanCat 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

tfw when sjws perform acts of whitewashing on real people