People want to work at "huge tech companies" just so they can tell their friends they work at google/facebook/uber etc. which sounds cool until you realize 90% of people are basically worker bees polishing the new google+ like button and are nowhere close to "cool things" like actually working on the search engine or self-driving cars. They are a tiny cog in the machinery and feel invested so they lie to themselves and others that they are doing important meaningful work while in reality only 1 out of 100 does anything remotely important during their career.
Some people want to work on "cool stuff" so they work at startups and smaller companies. Most of them aren't doing anything useful either, developing a web app isn't glorious even if it's a web app for a medical device. They again lie to themselves an others that developing a new sign in page is somehow important and they are helping to cure cancer.
Almost all software development work is meaningless and unimportant. Somehow the circlejerk is that working on a new sign in page for an internal tool in a consultant/outsourcing firm is somehow "lesser" work than working on a new sign in page for a social network or a fitness app.
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