The internet not automatically loving any given cat
Thats the thing with social media and susceptible minds. It fosters mental illness and preys on the weak willed, causing an increase in disorders. I've seen too many people get sucked into the never ending scroll of these things. They will spend so much fake effort on things to pose in front of a camera, so that when they put their little pictures together in their timeline they feel like they have a good life. They try to be beautiful, but in the end all they do is compare themselves to the others and develop disorders in their thoughts that cause them to behave in negative ways.
The execs and investors have already spoken out about it. The government has caught on to their plot to collect. Its just all around bad news.
The increased depression, loss of self worth, lowered self esteem, dependence on meaningless updates from other people, the lack of doing anything productive, the constant need for gratification, etc. Combine it with constant cell phone usage and blamo, this could legitimately fuck up a few generations of people at the same time.
I always remember my grandma calling the television "the idiot box", now I feel like a geezer thinking that about social media and phones...but this is far far far more destructive
"u fat gay beast"
This made me snort with laughter. I should go to bed.