As you might already know, this site was created with the sole purpose of promoting fascism. Today I bring you an update so sub owners and moderators may continue to oppress and silence our userbase with greater freedom
- Subs may now have multiple owners (but this must be performed manually by an admin, since it is not possible to invite or remove owners aside from regular sub transfers)
- Bans can now be either permanent or temporary, for temporary bans the expiry date can be set to up to one year
- The ban reason for current and past bans is now displayed on the
Banned Users
page of every sub (will only apply to bans performed from today onwards) - Implemented a new moderator rank: The janitor, which can only delete posts/comments, stick posts and perform all other moderation chores that do not involve editing sub settings or performing indefinite bans
- A Janitor can also remove bans, but only those they placed
- You can now use the chatbox from the
Banned Users
page, so you can mock people while you ban them, live. - Moderators and janitors can now resign
- Probably broke the whole site while doing all that