Posts more than ten days old cannot be voted or commented on anymore.

The comment box and voting buttons will still appear on the post page until we sort some things though.

Posts more than ten days old cannot be voted or commented on anymore. The comment box and voting buttons will still appear on the post page until we sort some things though.


I'm a little disappointed by this one.
I assume it cuts down on a lot of overhead, and may prevent a few abuses.

However, I like that old topics sometimes become active again. Especially on a site this small. It's happened a number of times where either someone stumbles on something old, or a new user shows up and comments in a slow sub on an old post.

This isn't really a complaint, as I think the pros outweigh the cons, but sometimes loss is a part of progress.

[–] Polsaker [OP] 4 points (+4|-0)

Hmm.. What about allowing more comments but no voting?

Only con is that literally nobody will mod comments on year-old posts

If it doesn't cause any problems, that'd be nice.
It's not a huge issue, as that doesn't happen often. It was just nice when it did.
As far as moderation goes, I doubt it'd be much of a problem. Most of the time it's only that user, and the original poster that see it. A user could bring any abuses to a mods attention.

[–] Polsaker [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

I'm more worried about spam.

Most of the time it's only that user, and the original poster that see it

And most times users from one year ago are not active anymore