[–] Butler_crosley 0 points (+0|-0) 6 years ago

Technically broccoli is man made. It doesn't occur in nature and can trace it's lineage to wild cabbage.

Meanwhile the humble sweet potato is naturally occuring and didn't have to bred from another plant to be created.

[–] sidewalker_Principle [OP] CEO 0 points (+0|-0) 6 years ago

Mother nature works in mysterious ways, but natural selection is efficient and necessary. Your lowly potato has stayed in its rudimentary form because it lacks the wherewithal to evolve beyond its simplicity.

Broccoli was chosen to rise above the other vegetables.

[–] Butler_crosley 1 points (+1|-0) 6 years ago

I said humble sweet potato not it's distant cousin the lowly potato. Sweet potatoes didn't need to be evolved as much because they are already a perfect vegetable.

Broccoli on the other hand is no more than a freak flower of a cabbage.