[–] Mattvision [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

This is a book about a dystopian/utopian future, where everyone lives in service to the 'One state', privacy is abolished, collectivism reigns supreme, and freedom is considered a primitive tradition. This is the book that inspired Orwell to write '1984', and you can definitely see elements of it scattered throughout the book, in how the state controls people by controlling their thoughts and monitors everyone by making them live in actual glass houses.

The book itself is supposed to be the journal of one of One State's loyal citizens, and is supposedly directed at 'us', their ancestors. This makes the audiobook a great way to enjoy the story, because it almost feels like you're actually being spoken to by the main character himself.

I haven't even finished it yet, but it's very thought-provoking. I would recommend giving it a listen.