You can now help translate Throat and Phuks to your language in translate.phuks.co.

We currently support Russian, Slovak and Spanish, but if you wish to translate to any other language you can hit us on admin at phuks dot co or in the comments of this post.

Only hard rule is that if somebody wants to create an en_US translation it has to have some yee haw.

You can now help translate Throat and Phuks to your language in [translate.phuks.co](https://translate.phuks.co). We currently support Russian, Slovak and Spanish, but if you wish to translate to any other language you can hit us on `admin at phuks dot co` or in the comments of this post. Only hard rule is that if somebody wants to create an en_US translation it *has* to have some yee haw.


[–] PCaut 1 points (+1|-0)

I can do German. Before I switched to finances, I've worked as EN-DE translator for eight years. Excellent quality is guaranteed. What are you paying per word?

[–] Polsaker [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

I can give you one rusty screwdriver. This is an open source project and all the work is done at will

[–] PCaut -2 points (+0|-2)

I can tell you where to put that screwdriver. Your exploitation of unpaid labor through "open source" schemes only helps sustain the inequality and exploitation in the translation industry as a whole. I have no sympathies for greedy capitalist exploiters who cheat honest, hard-working men out of their fair wage.

[–] Polsaker [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

This website has no ads and all the donations go towards our hosting expenses, we receive no gain from running this site and I receive nothing from spending development hours programming. This is how open source software works and nobody is forcing you to contribute

[–] ScorpioGlitch 2 points (+2|-0)

I still want to see the slowdown timer for comments say "Simmer down, cowboy."