[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Oh noes. Think of the children. I should move to Canada.

[–] doggone 1 points (+1|-0)

The bomb's impact as it landed on the bus full of excited schoolchildren on a day trip was devastating.

The first report said that they were on a field trip to celebrate the kids graduation from the sixth grade or something, and that the driver had stopped at a market for a drink.

"People were screaming out the names of their children.

The parents of the innocent children all happened to be there and instantly knew what had occurred. There are also surviving kids walking around to tell the tale.

I wouldn't put anything past the Saudis but this report is very emotional.

Also interesting,


The children, reportedly ages 6 to 11, had been on a field trip to a graveyard for rebels, one of the few green spaces left in the northern Saada governate.

"Because of the war, most of the parks and gardens are destroyed," explained the boys' 40-year-old teacher, Yahya Hussein. "The nicest areas are the martyr's shrines and mosques," he told CNN.

The American provided bombs are targeting all the open air green spaces that are healthy for excited innocent children, but sparing the martyr's shrines and mosques.

[–] smallpond [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

The first report said that they were on a field trip to celebrate the kids graduation from the sixth grade or something, and that the driver had stopped at a market for a drink.

The first report I posted said this:

Save the Children, quoting its staff on the ground, said the children were on a bus heading back to school from a picnic at the time of the attack when the driver stopped to get a drink at the market in Dahyan, in Sa’ada governorate.

Which is basically consistent.

"People were screaming out the names of their children."

This is just a recollection from one witness. As the driver stopped at a market, it is possible that parents of the children were there. Granted this is emotive fluf - it is CNN after all.

The American provided bombs are targeting all the open air green spaces that are healthy for excited innocent children, but sparing the martyr's shrines and mosques.

I think the report you quoted was saying that the shrines/graveyards/mosques are the only green spaces left. So in this instance the American bombs aren't targeting green spaces, apparently they're targeting buses full of kids at local markets.

By the way, I've found other news reports explicitly claiming that the bomb actually hit the bus, rather than it being collateral damage from the bombing of the market (which really isn't much better). So it looks like the bus was intentionally targeted, or some major blunder was made.