[–] xyzzy 2 points (+2|-0)

It's unclear who did the chemical attack in the middle east, send military against those WMDs. Can't they think of new excuses for war or are they just too lazy?

[–] registereduser 1 points (+1|-0)

I don't give a fuck who did the attack. It's none of our fucking business. We've been dicking around in the middle east since before I was born, wasting trillions of tax dollars on never ending wars for not a god damn thing.

That shit hole will never be stable or peaceful. Never..

Let them all kill each other for free. Spending trillions of my tax dollars to help them slaughter each other is not what I signed up for.

Sick of this shit.

[–] xyzzy 1 points (+1|-0)

It's none of our fucking business.

I agree. It's their civil war and they have already enough factions fighting many years. Western intervention won't help at all.

That shit hole will never be stable or peaceful. Never.

Why not? Same could have been said about Europe a few decades ago but after centuries of war there's decades without.

Spending trillions of my tax dollars to help them slaughter each other is not what I signed up for.

That's how governments create jobs

Sick of this shit.

So am I

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

I heard the term "coalition of the willing" dropped on the news tonight. Iraq called and they want their war back.