Getting rid of daylight savings is an idea i like. But splitting the US into two timezones is not a well thought out plan.

I think the writer forgot that the US does not exist in a vacuum. If they step out of sync with the rest of the Americas, all those benefits are lost, and the whole thing will cost extra instead of saving.

And no, those two proposed timezones will not work for the other countries. Canada is too big for only two timezones, and central/south America having a timezone split down the middle would be retarded.

If they​ want time zones that actually make sense and could become a standard throughout the Americas, there would need to be three. A central time zone for central America and much of South America, then an east and west on the sides.

Switching to a new system that could never be adopted by their neighbours would be a really expensive bad idea that would have to be tossed out eventually anyway.

If they are going to make a big change like that, chose something sustainable so it doesn't need to be changed ever again.