[–] leaderofnopack 3 points (+3|-0)

I'm in California renting a 1940 something apartment, landlord was bitching how he could get $2000 for this unit because the one next door is costing $2000. This dump has no AC, a wall heater, no patio or pool and he thinks this one is worth more.

[–] pembo210 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

That guy completely forgot to mention (or chose not to) that these rental service companies are funded by our own covid bailout money. The govt is helping them. Blockrock/stone has been talking about buying a $Trillion in real estate. Some of the biggest investors in this housing scheme is retirement funds and banks. They're using our own tax money to outbid us in the housing market. They're buying up entire neighborhoods at 20%+ over listing just so they can have the whole block.