All this talk of people spoiling endgame, which I don't care about, reminds me of the time a friend of mine spoiled a show I enjoyed, and I got my sweet revenge.
Around 4 years ago, a friend of mine spoiled several episodes of the walking dead, knowing fully that I was a few weeks behind. So that got my creative juices flowing. See, we were both huge Star Wars nerds. He grew up with the original films and we discussed nerdy star wars shit all the time.
Several months have going by since he spoiled the walking dead for me, and I happened to make it to see The Force Awakens on opening night. Literally the moment the credits began to roll, I shot a quick text:
Me: Have you seen The Force Awakens yet?
Him: No, I plan on seeing tomorrow.
Me: Han Solo is killed by his son, Kylo Ren, and Rey finds Luke. Fuck you. Don't ever spoil anything for anyone ever again.
Moral of the story, if you fuck with people, they will fuck with you more and spoil your favorite series.