On other message board sites my posts never get any traction and I think my shit is gold and I have good original content WTF. Is it just that i am not that interesting or is the whole internet a fake ass sandbox with curated content for all? probably i am not interesting but some support for my other theory is welcomed ninjas.

On other message board sites my posts never get any traction and I think my shit is gold and I have good original content WTF. Is it just that i am not that interesting or is the whole internet a fake ass sandbox with curated content for all? probably i am not interesting but some support for my other theory is welcomed ninjas.


[–] Polsaker 5 points (+5|-0) Edited

we don't have shadowbanning, if you ever get banned here you'll realize

[–] [Deleted] 4 points (+4|-0)

i'll start by saying i dont know you or anything about what you post so everything i'm about to say is kinda generic mental notes i've taken over the years on how to power user and may not apply to you.

finding the right audience can be a bitch. look at others who are doing what you want to do. don't do as they do. they are much further along in the process.

good content - are you sure your content is in fact quality? if its good enough that people would want to show others in the real world, its good enough.

posted to the right audience - have you found the right audience for your content? are they the age/gender/race/what-have-you that you feel comfortable and able to interact with well? too large a crowd can make it very difficult to make your voice heard, try starting with a smaller crowd and building some name recognition among that smaller crowd.

at the right time - are you posting things while your audience is asleep, at the peak of their day or just random times? study your audience's voting habits and make note of if there is a common time among other top posts.

supported in the right way - there are a lot of ways to go about this part. if you have any social media accounts with a fair number of followers, an occasional (don't be annoying) reference could help. having a handful of friends that'll regularly see/upvote/comment your content helps a little but this can raise questions about vote manipulation and is often looked down on by the algorithm. name recognition from that smaller crowd mentioned earlier helps. probably most beneficial would be getting more influential people/users to mention or comment on your content.

Thanks that all makes perfect sense, I just now got a post with some traction so it is a combination of the points you have highlighted. I have been lurking for way too long, I have to balance out the universe with dank memes and OC no more leeching off of the entertainment titty without kicking down myself. - have a good weekend phukers

[–] pidu87 0 points (+1|-1) Edited

Show us your golden posts!

It's possible you are like those people that would go on American Idol and find out only then that they are crap......

Or you are posting to a bunch of Drax

[–] E-werd 1 points (+1|-0)

You might have asked this question on the wrong site, you had 1 post before this one. Unless you've posted spam before and it was deleted, I don't know at the moment.

It was kind of a joke or rhetorical but a little truth in every joke eh. Right after I posted this I got a lot of replies for a post on another message board, the one I was wondering about.

[–] KillBill 0 points (+0|-0)

I upvote almost every submission posted, so unless you piss someone off or post in a sub I have blocked you should at least get a couple of upvotes here.