[–] doggone 4 points (+4|-0)

What is it that isn't working?

[–] smallpond [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

I would say the illusion of voter choice in a system completely controlled by two corrupt political parties, but that's just me.

From your point of view, I guess you know what to do if it ever stops working!

[–] doggone 0 points (+1|-1)

I do know what to do.

I think there are two false thing posited in the article. One, implied, that Trump is a Republican. We all know he isn't typical of the party.

Second, is that there are two choices, east and west, and that one could be better at some times, and the other better at other times.

I don't believe that there are answers to all of these problems we face, old and newly imagined. But I do believe that there is best practice in dealing with them, that doesn't involve killing the golden goose.

[–] smallpond [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Second, is that there are two choices, east and west, and that one could be better at some times, and the other better at other times.

If I get your gist, I disagree. My impression of the article was that's it pointing out the insane futility of entrenched two party politics - of course the author may actually have intended something similar to what you say above.

[–] F6F_Hellcat 2 points (+2|-0)

No. The Democrats have changed over the years. They used to be reasonable, they used to be able to compromise. Those days are over. Now they are a party of mob rule.

You don't think like them? They will attack you, they will riot and destroy property. They are children having a temper tantrum when they don't get their way.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0)

But we haven't tried Republican or Democrat repeatedly. It's time we try that.

[–] Butler_crosley 1 points (+1|-0)

Something, something... definition of insanity... something, something.