Of course this means fuck-all to Monsanto, since Monsanto doesn't actually exist anymore. It's sure funny how this ruling comes down less than 60 days after Monsanto was dissolved into Bayer, a sale that occurred one week before the commencement of this trial. Insider trading if there has ever been.
Regardless, this is a first and major step towards exposing a long series of potentially corrupt companies that perform fake studies at the behest of multinational corporations, enabling the willful and malicious sale of products that could hold a known risk to the life of the consumer.
Also, congrats to Bayer for paying $63Bn to pick up what is possibly the biggest liability of the last decade. Impressive.
TL;DR: the science-for-hire industry is about to get royally ass-fucked.
You think it will go as far as you say it will? I am just as hopeful, but I can't help but be cynical about it all. Wasn't Monsanto responsible for agent orange through a government contract? I imagine they are pretty well protected by this point. Plus they have all that nonsense with genetic engineering our food.
I really hope the bubble pops.