[–] ScorpioGlitch 4 points (+4|-0)

I believe that this is a reasonable reaction. Sometimes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a space or activity or club that is for a particular gender, race, class, profession, etc. We do it every day. Those who have a driver's license and those who don't. Men's and women's restrooms. Building security (those who belong and those who don't). Dress codes for places. And so on. And this doesn't even begin to touch religious practices which, sometimes by necessity, segregate by gender.

In this case, I think it is more than reasonable for children to, if they so desire, have a club or activity group that allows them to be with people of similar characteristics. "Male bonding" is cliche for a reason. "Girl cooties" is cliche for a reason.

Young boys and girls have different interests and needs. The logistics of camping and some other trips is greatly complicated by having both. Interest from both sides is also lessened by the compromises.

I was a boy-scout, and it was a very good experience. I learned a lot, and had fun. There was also a girl-scout troop, and sometimes we had joint trips or meetings. But the two groups had different interests and needs, so were separate most of the time.
Most of what I enjoyed best can no longer be done.

I think it's the religious association that makes it an easy target. A bit of irony there.
I am not Christian, and never was, but they accepted me.
Too bad they can't get the same acceptance.