"Waterford Whispers News is a satirical newspaper and website published by Waterford Whispers News." This was taken directly off of their disclaimer page.
Also, those photos of him are stock photos.
Plus, The Techno Viking would NEVER shave his beard.
Hail Odin!
This article is fake.
"Waterford Whispers News is a satirical newspaper and website published by Waterford Whispers News." This was taken directly off of their disclaimer page.
Also, those photos of him are stock photos.
Plus, The Techno Viking would NEVER shave his beard.
Hail Odin!
This article is fake.
"Waterford Whispers News is a satirical newspaper and website published by Waterford Whispers News." This was taken directly off of their disclaimer page.
Also, those photos of him are stock photos.
Plus, The Techno Viking would NEVER shave his beard.
Hail Odin!