[–] mamwad 5 points (+5|-0)

CANCEL-CAT-FACTS has been acting much differently lately. He always had his opinions, but he never made everything about politics. And, he always responded to thoughtful comments thoughtfully. This is incredibly odd behavior from him, IMO. It doesn't fit his personality.

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

Yes it is weird behavior for cat, especially with him saying shit like "I banned users and deleted posts because I was scared of being banned myself". Very fucking weird. That's not at all him. @WhiteSoIMustBeRacist went full retard, and I'm kind of guessing that at least this account was purchased and maybe cat's account was bought as well.

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

I made a 3 bracket joke in an askvoat to them not long ago and they seemed very annoyed by it, still polite though.