Hey guys. A recent post on tyrants got me thinking about the classic Evil Overlord List, beginning in 1994 and being completed some years later through various groups and contributions. It's now a list several hundred strong, on what to do and not to do if you become an Evil Overlord. So, for the benefit of the Phuks community, you may now expect a new tip daily from your truly!


We'll begin tomorrow, my time. Hope you all enjoy.

Hey guys. A recent post on tyrants got me thinking about the classic Evil Overlord List, beginning in 1994 and being completed some years later through various groups and contributions. It's now a list several hundred strong, on what _to do_ and _not_ to do if you become an Evil Overlord. So, for the benefit of the Phuks community, you may now expect a new tip daily from your truly! http://www.eviloverlord.com/jpgs/user-friendly.jpg We'll begin tomorrow, my time. Hope you all enjoy.