[–] AlkaiserSoze 1 points (+1|-0)

This is what is scary about the divisive attitude in regard to politics. No matter what side is in control, you have people from the other side holding things up. If you're a Socialist, this may sound great to you but consider that if Bernie were President then you'd likely end up hearing about someone pulling the same stunt against the administration.

These sort of issues hurt everyone and it only goes to show that there is a frightening lack of effective oversight in our governments operations. I realize it's not feasible to make sure everyone is doing their jobs exactly as described but without any kind of effective accountability, this sort of thing leads to a bloated and useless Federal government. Sure, we're mostly there already but this sort of thing doesn't help. I'd prefer smaller Federal government but if we have to have it, at least make sure the damn thing works as advertised..