[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

archive doesnt want to work on startribune anymore :(

About 300 men, women and children are currently living at the encampment along Hiawatha and Cedar avenues, near the Little Earth housing project.

The city is looking at a range of provisional shelters, based on concepts tried in cities such as San Diego, San Francisco and Seattle. Options include large, heated tents with cots; vacant warehouses; and emergency trailers commonly used to house people after natural disasters

The growing encampment, dubbed “the Wall of the Forgotten Natives” because it is located along a highway sound wall, consists mostly of American Indians and has quadrupled in size over the past month, transforming a narrow strip of land into one of the largest and most visible homeless settlements ever seen in Minnesota.

“It’s important that we move fast because … it’s getting cold and people’s lives are depending on the actions we take,” said City Council Member Alondra Cano at the hearing. “This is an emergency, and there definitely needs to be a broad-based response.”

At Wednesday’s hearing, one of the most visible leaders of the encampment made it clear that tent dwellers were prepared to dig in if the city failed to fulfill its promises of shelter. James Cross, founder of Natives Against Heroin, a street outreach group that has been organizing donations and security at the camp, said his organization is already preparing to build teepees and wigwams if a solution is not found soon.

[–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0)

I've noticed news sites are becoming increasingly hostile to archive/VPNs/tor.