[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

his people have been denying it up and down all day but it may further his agenda if he calls it quits immediately or in 2-4 years. he could gamble and go after tammy baldwin's senate seat next year. otherwise, governor scott walker has stated that this next term will be his last so paul ryan would probably easily win that in 5 years. wisconsin's congressional districts were quite successfully gerrymandered so there's no risk of the republicans losing a seat in the house here.

its noteworthy that wisconsin's gubernatorial elections are held opposite of presidential elections (i.e. 2014, 2018, 2022...), giving republicans a significant advantage. since balwin's seat is up for grabs this time, it could galvanize more liberals to vote which could threaten scott walker's reelection. if paul ryan ran in a statewide election, it may offset that and would all but seal wisconsin in republican hands for a while (or it could blow up in their faces with the state's two biggest political players unemployed).