[–] TheRedArmy [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

He was claiming to have flown with the King of the Netherlands, King Willem-Alexander.

I had to look up his name. That's how you research some shit before posting.

[–] Boukert 3 points (+3|-0)

This is indeed a classic bullshit story! I bet if you asked him for an airline he will name "British Airways"

The king never uses his name, an alias or identifies himself to the cabin when he pilots. He enters with the other pilot in full uniform (no one notices a pilot) without any egards.

"on behalf of the pilot i welcome you aboard, bla bla bla" Since the cockpit is locked, and he doesnt just go and hangout in first class, no one who ever was flown by the king, knows about it.

[–] Skyrock 4 points (+4|-0)

Being flown by the King of the Netherlands reminds me of that old joke:

The Pope is making a tour of the United States and of course has a very busy schedule that he’s trying his best to stick to. Unfortunately, things run a bit long at one stop and he has to make up time any way he can if he’s to be on time for the next gathering. So he dismisses the rest of the entourage and takes off in his Popemobile with just his driver.

They’re making good time on the back roads, but His Holiness is still worried they’re going to be late. He tells his driver to floor it, but the fella refuses to push it any further. After all, he’d heard the police in those parts were tough on speeders and didn’t want to find out first-hand.

This pisses off His Holiness and he orders the driver to pull over. He insists on doing the driving himself for he says no one will toss the Pope in jail. They take off in a cloud of dust, His Holiness at the wheel, his driver cowering in the back seat.

Not too much later a State Trooper pulls them over. The young man strides up to the car all businesslike and mean. This lasts right up until he sees who’s driving. His face pasty-white, he heads back to his car to radio in for some advice.

“Uh, let me talk to the Chief … Hello, sir. Sorry to trouble you, but I have a bit of a problem. Just pulled over a speeder and it turns out he’s someone quite important. How should I handle this?”

“Depends on who you got, son. Let me guess, it’s the Mayor, right? Had himself another snootful and on a tear?”

“Uh, no sir, not the Mayor.”

“Bigger than that, eh? Not the Senator again! And don’t tell me he had another young girl with him. It’s getting awful hard to keep him out of the papers, you know.”

“Uh, no sir, wasn’t the Senator. Someone a lot more important.”

“Well, who you got, son? The President?”

“I don’t rightly know, sir. But whoever he is, he must be damned important because the Pope’s his driver.”

[–] TheRedArmy [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

Ha, that's very neat. I get the want for privacy and secrecy on his part. It's nice that he can do things like that that he enjoys doing.

[–] Boukert 3 points (+3|-0)

Well the K in KLM stands for "Royal"

Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappy - Royal Airline company

You think someone would do basic research before making up bullshit

Are you new to the internet?