[The following takes place during the Reconstruction Era in the Antebellum South following the American Civil War.]

The killing didn’t stop with the election. All over Mississippi jubilant White Liners continued to drive Republicans out of office by force and di violence to blacks who had defied them. They had a particular score to settle with State Senator Charles Caldwell, who had displayed such militancy during the Clinton affair.

They assassinated him at Christmastime. A group of vigilantes invited him to have a drink, and the clinking of glasses was the prearranged signal: he was shot through the back from a window. He was then dragged to the sidewalk, where he lay bleeding as a Clinton street mob fired thirty to forty more bullets into him. When the town bells pealed to announce his death, his wife Margaret took to her bed in grief. When Caldwell’s brother Sam rode into town to find his brother’s body, he too was shot dead.


Jenkins, Sally, and John Stauffer. “Reconstruction and Redemption.” The State of Jones: The Small Southern County That Seceded from the Confederacy. Anchor Books, 2010. 276. Print.

[**The following takes place during the Reconstruction Era in the Antebellum South following the American Civil War.**] >The killing didn’t stop with the election. All over Mississippi jubilant White Liners continued to drive Republicans out of office by force and di violence to blacks who had defied them. They had a particular score to settle with State Senator Charles Caldwell, who had displayed such militancy during the Clinton affair. >They assassinated him at Christmastime. A group of vigilantes invited him to have a drink, and the clinking of glasses was the prearranged signal: he was shot through the back from a window. He was then dragged to the sidewalk, where he lay bleeding as a Clinton street mob fired thirty to forty more bullets into him. When the town bells pealed to announce his death, his wife Margaret took to her bed in grief. When Caldwell’s brother Sam rode into town to find his brother’s body, he too was shot dead. ________________________ **Source:** Jenkins, Sally, and John Stauffer. “Reconstruction and Redemption.” *The State of Jones: The Small Southern County That Seceded from the Confederacy*. Anchor Books, 2010. 276. Print.

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