Wow this is crazy stuff. The increase in technology is such a double edged sword.

I personally will never accept these devices into my home or in my life, simply because of the shit that can happen...like this.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

There is a Raspberry pi version that you assemble and code yourself that runs the Google Assistant. This gives you a level of control that no other system offers. In order to do this, you also have to create a google account and link the device to it. The account will have the entire history of what you told it and its responses.

You can also code custom commands or tell it to ignore others. Since it is a Raspberry Pi, things like "open X website" or "place X order" will fail because it's a limited device. So aside from google tracking how many times you ask it to tell you a joke or sing you a song, your a lot safer than the commercial versions.

I don't like the idea of giving the phone the choice of when to listen in.
I think my next phone will look like this. The problem is that all phones will spy on you, so it's not like you have a choice.

I love technology, but it scares the shit out of me.

[–] Sarcastaway 2 points (+2|-0)

If you pay for a listening post to be placed in your home, and wire it into your home security and financial accounts, this is going to happen. How could it not?

You know, maybe this is a good thing. We need a massive natural selection event to cull the sheep. Maybe the dumb ones will starve after being robbed blind.