This post page uncached is 197kb. Once you browse phuks, our css(19kb), site logo(4kb), javascript(80kb), fontawesome icons(75kb), and fonts(13kb) all get cached by your browser so it doesnt need to reload or use up more of your data. So if you've come to this page after visiting another page, it only loads the actual text/post content, which is only about about 4kb.. which is awesome!
This post page uncached is 197kb. Once you browse phuks, our css(19kb), site logo(4kb), javascript(80kb), fontawesome icons(75kb), and fonts(13kb) all get cached by your browser so it doesnt need to reload or use up more of your data. So if you've come to this page after visiting another page, it only loads the actual text/post content, which is only about about 4kb.. which is awesome!
This post page uncached is 197kb. Once you browse phuks, our css(19kb), site logo(4kb), javascript(80kb), fontawesome icons(75kb), and fonts(13kb) all get cached by your browser so it doesnt need to reload or use up more of your data. So if you've come to this page after visiting another page, it only loads the actual text/post content, which is only about about 4kb.. which is awesome!