[–] Dudicles 2 points (+2|-0)

Very sensationalist headline.

It turned out, his previous manager had been sacked during a transition period, and was ordered to serve out the remainder of his duties as a contractor from home.

“I imagine due to the shock and frustration, he decided not to do much work after that,” he said. “Some of that work included renewing my contract in the new system.”

The problem was, once the order for employee termination went through, “the system takes over”.

The guy wasn't fired by a machine. The machine just did what it was supposed to do based on the information it is given. It's no more 'out for blood' than an online subscription service is if you fail to renew it. Fail to renew--you don't get access. Apparently the people who run and/or check the system at this company are apathetic toward doing their job.