[–] Mattvision 2 points (+2|-0)

Who is the designer of this animal?

There is something irrational in this animal's design. It looks like the designer has some kind of lack in logic, which made him design it irrationally. It is enough to compare Chickenhorses to Chickens or Horses to see obvious mistakes in interface ergonomics. Also the fact that this creature is called a Chickenhorse instead of BirdSteed denotes low level in wording creativity. Chickenhorses need the aid of professionals. Otherwise I don't see a bright future for them.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

The rider is clearly an amateur I'll give him that. I come on every evening and I usually forget the shitposting the night before due to large alcohol levels.... I'm working on it though! the point was the irrational design... it's like calling phuks a safe space... that was my point, because Phuks is a hideout for the few that find it... like a diamond in the rough...