I've posted some neat stuff there and I find they're so caught up in politics they don't tend to the basic information... not just my posts but the neat stuff... the bread and butter of any site. However it doesn't get through to their crowd so much as it does here... people here are more receptive to material that isn't political.

Disclaimer: I am not saying you have smarter people here as a whole but it sometimes seems that way.

I've posted some neat stuff there and I find they're so caught up in politics they don't tend to the basic information... not just my posts but the neat stuff... the bread and butter of any site. However it doesn't get through to their crowd so much as it does here... people here are more receptive to material that isn't political. Disclaimer: I am not saying you have smarter people here as a whole but it sometimes seems that way.


[–] Owlchemy 6 points (+6|-0)

I like the fact that we have much less political crap here, though a little here and there is fine. The smaller format suits me, too. Goatland has been going downhill for some time now.

[–] Butler_crosley 2 points (+2|-0)

It was limping along, a mixture of good and bad until I think it was The_Donald migration. Now the news sub is just full of links to suspect news pages. It's become a giant echo chamber of bigotry and conspiracy theories. The subs that used to have good discussions have gone quiet. I'd rather have a site like this where we can joke around and have actual discussions.

PS: don't remember if I thanked you for introducing me to AtlasObscura (when you used to post links to it on goatland) previously or not Owlcherry, but it has become a go to site for me to see unique places.

[–] Owlchemy 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

Thanks, I like that obscure stuff myself. Glad you enjoy. Take care!

BTW ... it's Owlcemy ... as in a bastardization of alchemy ... LOL. Many have made that mistake.

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 2 points (+2|-0)

That community long ago chose what its focus was to be and shunned anything outside that bubble.

Case in point, did you know that voat had a whole plethora of individual subs for different pictures? Sadly v/pixnetwork has been completely disregarded.

Voat is unsubstandable due to it's inability to let any other topic grow and blossom.

[–] oddjob 1 points (+1|-0)

They focus so hard on being able to say 'bad' stuff there that they are abusing a freedom by overuse. But good luck convincing anyone there of that. You'll just be called a shill or a jew trying to silent their discussion because they are close to stopping your scheme.