Former prime minister Joop den Uyl once remarked that "the Dutch are a nation of undertakers". The Dutch verb ondernemen is literally the English undertake (as onder is under, and nemen is take). The noun ondernemer is thus literally undertaker; however the idiomatic English usage is instead the French loanword entrepreneur. (Dutch uses the more specific begrafenisondernemer for a funeral director.)

Joop den Uyl


http://historiek.net/pijnlijke-uitspraken-van-nederlandse-politici/53477/ (Dutch)


Former prime minister Joop den Uyl once remarked that "the Dutch are a nation of undertakers". The Dutch verb ondernemen is literally the English undertake (as onder is under, and nemen is take). The noun ondernemer is thus literally undertaker; however the idiomatic English usage is instead the French loanword entrepreneur. (Dutch uses the more specific begrafenisondernemer for a funeral director.) [Joop den Uyl](https://i1.wp.com/historiek.net/wp-content/uploads-phistor1/2008/08/Joop-den-Uyl-in-1977-cc-Anefo-Spaarnestad.jpg?fit=848%2C556) -------------------------------- Source: http://historiek.net/pijnlijke-uitspraken-van-nederlandse-politici/53477/ (Dutch) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunglish

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