[–] sidewalker_Principle 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

Profound, and really hits home when I keep remembering that Europe has buildings that are a thousand years old. America is still under 300 years old as an entire country.

And over here its 10+ hours to just reach the next state, whereas in 10 hours you can span the entirety of the UK.

Yep. Perspective makes a big difference.
I remember showing an old nail I found to a co-worker. It was so old that it was flat and the 'head' was just the end bent over.
He asked why I had kept it.
I didn't understand why he wasn't impressed until I remembered that he was European, and to him that nail wasn't old yet.

On the other hand, I've got a ~3,000 year old spearhead that was found in the area.
Suck-it Europe. :)

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 2 points (+2|-0)

That's quite neat. Most people though wouldn't understand how nails have evolved over time.

Being on the west coast, there no historical buildings over 150 years old.