me it's 10 10.... I fucking hate getting that hand because it gets tricky after the flop

me it's 10 10.... I fucking hate getting that hand because it gets tricky after the flop


[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

Talking about Hold'em even catching a 2-7 can be good when you've got your opponent on tilt. Worth seeing the flop at least for a blind here and there. While it is the worst hand it's good to play here and there b/c every now and then you will catch a something like 2 pair on the flop. When that does happen sometimes you can make players bleed chips. When you catch something like a 2K7 flop and they pair the king they rarely see it coming. Doesn't literally have to be a 27 by any means 36 is a better hand b/c of the possibility of catching straights but you see what I mean. Play garbage here and there. A terrible poker hand has a second use even when it's a loser. At the end flop you're folded hand over and let you're opponents see the garbage you played. A couple hands thrown away will have them more comfortable playing against you when you do catch a monster. You'd be amazed when you realize most players can't calculate pot odds or equity. It's just math. Anyone can practice it and learn to do it off the top of their head w/ hardly any thought. People that don't do it are playing mostly blind especially in online poker as you're relying entirely on math and pattern recognition of your opponents since you can't see them.

In person you can size up an opponent up faster w/ fake tells. If they suck at math they're generally desperate to feel like a psychological genius. Develop a specific fake tell for hands you know you're gonna fold. Once you've set up the pattern use the fake tell on a monster.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

this is good stuff. I prefer playing IRL for the reasons in your second paragraph. First is spot on!