• Unique visitors: 13,493
  • Bandwidth used: 25.5 GB
  • Requests served: 8,219,064
  • Active users in the last month: 74

Other stats

  • Total users: 2447
  • Total subs: 578
  • Total comments: 90956
  • Number of active developers: Like 1 or so

I gave up on automating this without even trying

- **Unique visitors**: **↓** 13,493 - **Bandwidth used**: **↓** 25.5 GB - **Requests served**: **↑** 8,219,064 - **Active users in the last month**: **↓** 74 ### Other stats - **Total users**: 2447 - **Total subs**: 578 - **Total comments**: 90956 - **Number of active developers**: Like 1 or so _I gave up on automating this without even trying_


[–] PhunkyPlatypus 2 points (+2|-0)

Well obviously phuks is ded as we can't even attract people during quarantine.

I guess we're all just stuck with our own little pool of deplorable scumbags.

Especially you @jobes.

[–] Polsaker [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

We aren't stuck with @Mattvision

he is stuck with us

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 3 points (+3|-0)

@pembo would never let Matt vision go.

After all who would sizzle the saucepan to be the best place for the family.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

I seriously don't understand why @polsaker and @pembo210 aren't paying me yet. I'm like 60% of the content on this site.