Top ten users by phuks taken, 04/01/2016:

| User | Score

--|------------------|------ 1 | Boukert | 1900+ 2 | PMYA | 1200+ 3 | SilverBanana | 1100+ 4 | THC | 999 5 | jobes | 880 6 | Polsaker | 710 7 | Jambo | 530 8 | ashekchum | 520 9 | pembo210 | 500 10 | Fluf | 460

Top ten users by phuks taken, 04/01/2016: # | User | Score --|------------------|------ 1 | **Boukert** | 1900+ 2 | **PMYA** | 1200+ 3 | **SilverBanana** | 1100+ 4 | **THC** | 999 5 | **jobes** | 880 6 | **Polsaker** | 710 7 | **Jambo** | 530 8 | **ashekchum** | 520 9 | **pembo210** | 500 10 | **Fluf** | 460


[–] Hitler 3 points (+3|-0)

More admin abuse, /u/Hitler lost 250XP just for being Literally Hitler, I should have been in that list!

[–] Violentlight 1 points (+1|-0)

Don't feel bad. I was ripped off too. They didn't put me on the list because of 'not posting enough content'.

Whole things rigged.