[–] doggone 0 points (+0|-0)

Completely different circumstances, but Julie Andrews also sued Mount Sinai claiming they ruined her voice.

There are a lot of tracheotomies done routinely and I doubt this is a typical result. Now he needs to know why his was difficult and damaging. If medical malpractice ruined his future career, I'd sue too.

[–] doggone 1 points (+1|-0)

In this case, I might consider "emergency heart surgery" a mitigating circumstance. I imagine that could have been a little hairy, but I don't have any insight. The courts will decide.

Of course I don't have the details, but usually (even in emergency surgeries) they would intubate the patient. Trachs are for long term ventilation and done after the surgery that saves the life. Of course, if an accident damages the face/throat that would be different. Without more info it's hard to say, but I've done many intubations and a cricothyroidotomy (emergency trach in the field) without lasting damage. Definitely needs further investigation.