[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

The denial rates for voucher holders were so high, in fact, that the researchers found they could not accurately assess the role of race or ethnicity in landlord decision-making.

And THAT was 100% the goal of the study. The results are painfully clear that income is a clear indicator of the desire and ability to not live, for lack of better words, like trash far beyond what SJW folks would have you believe - they want everything to be about race because racism is easy to destroy your life over since the person has absolutely no control over that. But income. Behavior. A person 100% has control over that. Additionally, if they want to ignore the plain fact that income is an indicator of behavior, then we need to get rid of credit checks for insurance, jobs, and so on.

In other words, they were looking for evidence for all the things that support their toxic policies and practices and got so totally blown out of the water that they couldn't even try.

Denial rates in metros like Fort Worth and Los Angeles were many times higher than those in Newark and Washington, D.C., where there are local legal protections against discrimination on the basis of voucher use, suggesting that such laws do have an impact and could be expanded

Mandatory compliance in social welfare programs. This is completely wrong. The landlord manages/owns the property. It should be 100% their choice.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

I wouldn't operate a rental in a city that requires voucher acceptance.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

The government does not pay you if a person on vouchers trashes your house.